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How To Create a DJ Account using SonicPanel ?

DJ accounts can be managed/created from the client-side SonicPanel only. Users can log in to the SonicPanel by using port 2080.



  • DJs can see/change their DJ connection password. 
  • DJs can see/change their profile pictures, profile pictures are showing up on players when a DJ is streaming. 
  • DJs can see if the radio or AutoDJ is online/offline. 
  • DJs can see the HTML5 player on the main page with the album art and they can listen to the radio. 
  • DJs can see song history. 
  • If the DJ has permissions, they can control the number of on-air features like jingles, voice pro, start/stop radio or autoDJ.
  • Can manage the radio or AutoDJ if have permissions as a radio owner.
  • Every DJ can be given custom permissions.



  1. Login to your SonicPanel account as a User. 
  2. From the left menu under the DJ Control Center, Use Create a DJ Account link. 
  3. Enter a username and password, choose permissions if needed.



  • DJs have to choose SHOUTcast v1 protocol or SHOUTcast server option on their stream program always. 
  • Be careful, while setting the permission on the DJ account.


That's It!

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